New Delhi, India

My complete Research Portfolio in PDF is available here.

Singapore, Singapore

Melbourne, Australia

Honolulu, United States

Moscow, Russian Federation

Gandhinagar, India

Adelaide, Australia

Seoul, Korea

Athens, Greece

Durham, England

Cambridge, England

Montréal, Canada

Presentations & Lectures

Conferences, Symposia, Seminars, and Workshops

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Global Interconnectivity, Digital Networks, A.I., and Regulations - How they Fit Together”, Keynote Address, International Network for Digital Innovation, Research, and Education (I.N.D.I.R.E.) 1st Digital Innovation Global Conference, 29 June - 6 July 2024, in Porto Carras, Greece.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “International Law and Space Resource Utilisation and Exploitation”, University of Łomża International Scientific Conference on Space Law: Reality or Utopia?, 11-12 April 2024, in Łomża, Poland.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Legal and Policy Issues in Active Orbital Debris Removal”, Secure World Foundation (S.W.F.) Orbital Debris Remediation Summit, 20-22 February 2024, in Queenstown Tāhuna, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Remarks at the Inaugural Session”, Gujarat National Law University (G.N.L.U.) Centre for Research in Criminal Justice Sciences (G.C.R.C.J.S.) International Conference on Crime & Technology, 3-4 February 2024, in Gandhinagar, GJ., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Divergence in the Recognition and Enforcement of Choice of Forum Clauses and Foreign Judgments as a Regional Barrier to International Trade”, 36th LAWASIA Conference, 24-27 November 2023, in Bengaluru, KA., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Role of Startups in the Global Space Sector”, University of Cambridge WHYX x Wuhan College Lecture Series, presented 9 November 2023, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Address of the Chief Guest of the Valedictory Session”, Nirma University Centre for Corporate Law Studies (C.C.L.R.), International Conference on Corporate Law & Finance, 3-5 November 2023, in Ahmedabad, GJ., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Strict Compliance and the Fraud Exception for Documentary Letters of Credit in the Era of eCommerce”, Nirma University Centre for Corporate Law Studies (C.C.L.R.) International Conference on Corporate Law & Finance, 3-5 November 2023, in Ahmedabad, GJ., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Maria A. Pozza, “Pluralism as an Emerging Trend in Modern Space Law and its Implications for its Practice and Teaching” (2023) Australasian Law Academics Association (A.L.A.A.) Conference, 6-8 July 2023, in Christchurch Ōtautahi, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Maria A. Pozza and Ricky J. Lee, “The Implications of Increasing Military and Commercial Space Activities on the Resiliency of the U.N. Space Treaties” (2023) 30th Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (A.N.Z.S.I.L.) Annual Conference, 29 June 2023 – 1 July 2023, in Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Use of Space Assets of Neutral States in an International Armed Conflict: The Intersection of International Space Law and International Humanitarian Law” (2023) 16th Kerala Law Academy (K.L.A.) International Seminar on the Role of International Law in Controlling Weaponization and Arms Race in Outer Space, 24 June 2023, in Thiruvananthapuram, KL., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Military Use of, and Attacks on, Space Assets by Non-State Actors for Acts of Terrorism and in the Course of International Armed Conflicts” (2023) Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (A.N.Z.S.I.L.) International Peace and Security Interest Group (I.P.S.I.G.) Workshop, 9 June 2023, in Melbourne, Vic., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Myths and Realities in Contemporary Space Law” (2023) 9th Indian Society of International Law (I.S.I.L.) International Conference on International Law and the Changing Global Order, 2-5 March 2023, in New Delhi, India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Authentication and Legalisation of Australian Notarial Acts in Commonwealth Jurisdictions: Special Relationships No Longer?” (2022) Notaries’ Society of South Australia (N.S.S.A.) Annual Seminar and Dinner, 1 September 2022, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Future of Space Law and Policy” (2022) 14th Kerala Law Academy (K.L.A.) International Law Seminar on Exploring New Frontiers in Space Law, Policy, and Property Rights, 20 August 2022, in Thiruvananthapuram, KL., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Space as a Present and Future Theatre of War” (2022) University of Cambridge WHYX x Cambridge Global Learning and Engagement Summer Program, 4-15 July 2022, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Status of Private Spacefarers as Astronauts: Emergency Assistance and Rescue Obligations in International Law” (2022) 56th Otago Foreign Policy School, University of Otago, 1-3 July 2022, in Dunedin Ōtepoti, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Cambridge Communities in Space Project”(2022) 1st International Academy of Space Law and Policy (I.A.S.L.P.) & Jesus College | Intellectual Forum – Cambridge Communities in Space Workshop, 29 April 2022, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Status of Space Tourists as Astronauts” (2022) Sri Chikka Muniyappa Reddy University (C.M.R.U.) School of Legal Studies International Conference on Bridging the Spatial Divide: Problems and Prospects of Space Industrialisation, 26 March 2022, in Bengaluru, KA., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Alternative Dispute Mechanisms and Disputes Concerning Outer Space” (2021) Indraprastha University Workshop on Global Conflict and Dispute Resolution, 6-10 September 2021, in New Delhi, India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Adequacy of Domestic Space Legislation for Liability from Non-Launch Activities” (2021) West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (N.U.J.S.) International Conference on National Space Laws, 26 February 2021, in Kolkata, W.B., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Moon Agreement and India: Implications for Commercial Utilisation of Space Resources” (2021) Symbiosis Law School (S.L.S.) International Seminar on Privatisation of the Space Sector in India, 6 February 2021, in Hyderabad, TG., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Challenges for Lawyers in the Privatisation of the Indian Space Sector (2021) Nirma University – Institute of Law International Teaching Month Seminar”, 11 February 2021, in Ahmedabad, GJ., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Global Trade in Goods in and after COVID-19” (2020) Nirma University – Institute of Law International Teaching Month Seminar, 30 June 2020, in Ahmedabad, GJ., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Recent Visits to the Clearly Inappropriate Forum” (2019) Law Society of South Australia (L.S.S.A.) International Law Seminar, 3 October 2019, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commercial Risks of Dual-Use Satellites as Legitimate Targets in ASAT Strikes” (2019) International Bar Association (I.B.A.) Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2019, in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Use of Anti-Satellite Weapons under the Current State of International Law” (2019) Conference on Indian Perspectives on Space Security, 17 July 2019, in New Delhi, India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Demise of Bank Secrecy in the Modern World: Combating Tax Evasion and Money Laundering with (Perhaps) Unintended Consequences” (2019) Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (A.N.Z.S.I.L.) International Economic Law Interest Group (I.E.L.I.G.) Workshop, 15 February 2019, in Christchurch Ōtautahi, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Impact of Emerging Technologies in Litigation in Asia” (2018) International Litigation Legal Conference, 15-16 October 2018, in Singapore, Singapore.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Space Resources Exploration, Exploitation, and Utilisation (2018) 1st United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy”, 11-13 September 2018, in Moscow, Russian Federation.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Present and Future Practice of Space Law in Australia” (2018) 37th Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (A.L.A.A.N.Z.) Conference, 4 May 2018, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Purchase and Sale of Manufactured / Complex Assets” (2017) International Bar Association (I.B.A.) Annual Conference, 9-13 October 2017, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Enforcement of Australian Money Judgments Abroad: Examples of Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States” (2017) Law Society of South Australia (L.S.S.A.) International Law Seminar, 27 September 2017, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Sovereign Immunity and Cross-Border Transactions in the Asia-Pacific: Practical Considerations for Contract Clauses on Choice of Law, Choice of Forum, and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms” (2016) Queensland University of Technology (Q.U.T.) Symposium on Transacting with the Asia-Pacific: Theory and Practice, 30 September 2016, in Brisbane, Qld., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Practical and Innovative Approaches to Regulating Space Activities” (2016) National University of Singapore (N.U.S.) Centre for International Law (C.I.L.) Seminar Series, 23 June 2016, in Singapore, Singapore.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability for Damage Caused on Earth and in Outer Space by Unmanned Aerial Systems” (2015) International Bar Association (I.B.A.) Annual Conference, 4-9 October 2015, in Vienna, Austria.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Avoiding Failure by Increments: Time for a Comprehensive Convention on Space Law” (2015) International Conference on New Challenges in Space Law – The Space Treaties at Crossroads: Considerations for de lege ferenda, 28-29 August 2015, in Athens, Greece.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Macro Liability Problems for Singaporean Microsatellites” (2015) National University of Singapore (N.U.S.) Centre for International Law (C.I.L.) Seminar Series, 17 March 2015, in Singapore, Singapore.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Some Practical Proposals for Global Governance in Licensing and Regulation of Mining Activities in Outer Space” (2014) 2nd McGill University | Institute of Air and Space Law (I.A.S.L.) Manfred Lachs Conference on Global Space Governance, 29-31 May 2014, in Montréal, QC., Canada.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Preparing the Domestic Regulatory Frameworks in Australia and New Zealand for Commercial Passenger Spaceflight” (2014) 33rd Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (A.L.A.A.N.Z.) Annual Conference, 7-9 May 2014, in Melbourne, Vic., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Space Law in Australia: Model for Others?” (2014) McGill University | Institute of Air and Space Law (I.A.S.L.) Workshop on Emerging Issues in Space Law, 7 May 2014, in Melbourne, Vic., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Space Law and Human Settlement on the Moon and Mars” (2014) Mars Society of Australia (M.S.A.) Public Lecture Series, 4 May 2014, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Calderbank Offers, Offers of Compromise, and Without Prejudice Communications” (2014) Newcastle Law Society (N.L.S.) Civil Courts Practice Refresher, 11 April 2014, in Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Regulation of Space Launch Activities in the Dawn of Commercial Suborbital Spaceflight” (2013) 12th Australian Space Development Conference, 8-10 July 2013, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Treaty Obligations and Domestic Regulation of Civil Aviation and Space Activities in Australia: Significant Differences and Harmonisation Opportunities” (2013) McGill University | Institute of Air and Space Law (I.A.S.L.) / International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.) / International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (I.A.A.S.S.) Manfred Lachs Conference on the Regulation of Emerging Modes of Aerospace Transportation, 24-25 May 2013, in Montréal, QC., Canada.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Development of Domestic Laws and Regulations for Range Safety, Flight Safety, and Accident Investigation in the Era of Commercial Passenger Spaceflight” (2013) 6th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (I.A.A.S.S.) Conference: Safety is Not an Option, 21-23 May 2013, in Montréal, QC., Canada.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Umie Kong, “Sovereign Immunity: The Often-Neglected Risk in Multinational Business Transactions” (2012) 20th Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law (A.N.Z.S.I.L.) Annual Conference, 5-7 July 2012, in Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, New Zealand Aotearoa.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Sasha M. Bellamy, “Legal Issues Relating to Military Use of Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing and Direct Television Broadcasting Systems against International Terrorism” (2011) Conference on Military Law in a New Dimension: Armed Forces Deployed against Transnational Crime and Terrorism, 26-28 August 2011 in Melbourne, Vic., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Balancing the Competing Interests to Resolve the Impasse over the Effects of the Common Heritage of Mankind Provision in the Moon Agreement” (2010) 53rd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 61st International Astronautical Congress, 29 September 2010 – 1 October 2010 in Prague, Czechia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Singapore’s International Obligations under the United Nations Space Treaties” (2010) National University of Singapore (N.U.S.) Centre for International Law (C.I.L.) Seminar Series, 22 September 2010 in Singapore, Singapore.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commercial Implications of the Increasing Commercialisation of Present and Future Space Applications” (2010) 11th Australian Space Development Conference, 5-7 July 2010 in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Increasing Need for Australian Regulation of Remote Sensing Activities” (2010) University of Mississippi Centre for Air and Space Law (C.A.S.L.) 2nd Pacific Rim Meeting on Earth Observation, the Environment, Space and Remote Sensing Law in the Pacific Rim, 16-18 June 2010 in Honolulu, HI., United States.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Regulating the Evolution from Space Tourism to Space Passenger Transportation and Space Traffic Management” (2010) 1st City University of Hong Kong | Centre for Maritime and Transportation Law (C.M.T.L.) Conference on the Recent Developments and Issues in Maritime and Transportation Law: An Asia-Pacific Perspective, 18-19 March 2010 in Hong Kong, H.K.S.A.R., People’s Republic of China.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating Enforcement Mechanisms for the 1976 Registration Convention as a Confidence Building Measure in the Military Use of Outer Space” (2009) 52nd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 60th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 October 2009 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Need for International Coordination to Resolve Multiple Licensing Requirements in Domestic Laws for Private and Commercial Space Launches” (2009) International Astronautical Federation (I.A.F.) Space Transportation Solutions and Innovations Symposium, 60th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 October 2009 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Catherine Doldirina, “Legal and Policy Issues Arising from the Use of Nuclear and Radioisotopic Power Sources and Propulsion Systems in Outer Space” (2009) International Astronautical Federation (I.A.F.) Space Propulsion Symposium, 60th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 October 2009 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Australian Senate’s 2008 Inquiry into the Current State of Australia’s Space Science and Industry Sector: A Critical Analysis in the Context of the Evolution of Australian Space Policy” (2009) 22nd Symposium on Space Policy, Regulations and Economics, 60th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 October 2009 in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Current Status and Recent Developments in Australia’s National Space Law and its Relevance to Space Law and Space Activities in the Pacific Rim” (2009) University of Mississippi Centre for Air and Space Law (C.A.S.L.) Pacific Rim National Space Law Summit, 19-21 May 2009, in Honolulu, HI., United States.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Globalisation and Privatisation of the Space Launch Sector and its Implications on the Rescue Agreement” (2008) 51st International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 59th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September-3 October 2008, in Glasgow, Scot., United Kingdom.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response” (UN-SPIDER) (2007) International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Conference on Space Law and Space Applications for Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific Region, 20-22 November 2007, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Remote Sensing Principles and Disaster Management” (2007) International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Conference on Space Law and Space Applications for Disaster Management in the Asia Pacific Region, 20-22 November 2007, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Deborah Roach, “The Importance of Private Property Rights for Selected Commercial Applications in Lunar and Martian Settlements” (2006) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Integrated Approaches to the Exploration of the Moon and Mars: Strategies to Establish Lunar and Martian Colonies, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Domestic Laws and Policies on Private Launch Services and Their Effects on Competition in the Global Market” (2006) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Which Direction in Space? Balancing Applications and Exploration: Enabling Commercial Opportunities in Space, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability of Space Transport Carriers and Tourism Operators to Passengers, Cargo and Third Parties” (2006) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Which Direction in Space? Balancing Applications and Exploration: Space Tourism, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Rules for First Contact: Legal and Policy Issues arising from Establishing and Maintaining Communications with Extraterrestrials” (2006) 35th International Astronautical Federation (I.A.F.) Symposium on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – The Next Steps: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (S.E.T.I.) II – Interdisciplinary Aspects, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Legal and Policy Issues Relating to the Military Uses of Commercial Dual Use Satellite Applications” (2006) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Which Direction in Space? Balancing Applications and Exploration: Policies for a New Era in Space – Part 2, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Military Activities by Human Settlements on the Moon and Mars: Legal and Policy Issues” (2006) International Astronautical Federation (I.A.F.) Symposium on the Far Future – Renewed Visions: Bases and Space Colonisation, 57th International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2006, in Valencia, Spain.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commentary Paper on the Discussion Paper Titled ‘The Acceptability of the Moon Agreement and the Road Ahead’ by Frans von der Dunk” (2006) McGill University | Institute of Air and Space Law (I.A.S.L.) / International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Policy and Law Relating to Outer Space Resources: The Example of the Moon, Mars and Other Celestial Bodies, 28-30 June 2006, in Montréal, QC., Canada.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “To Terminate or Not to Terminate: Managing the Decision Process and Avoiding Liability for Procedural Oversights” (2006) LexisNexis S.A. Contracts Conference, 4-5 April 2006, in Adelaide, S.A. Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Definitions of ‘Exploration’ and ‘Scientific Investigation’ with Focus on Mineralogical Prospecting and Exploration Activities” (2005) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Space Exploration: Policy, Economic and Legal Issues, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Need for Global or Reciprocal Patent Protection for the Commercialisation of Technologies Discovered or Utilised in Outer Space” (2005), International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Space Exploration: Policy, Economic and Legal Issues, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Felicity K. Eylward, “Article II of the Outer Space Treaty and Human Presence on Celestial Bodies: Prohibition of State Sovereignty, Exclusive Property Rights, or Both?” (2005) 48th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Domestic Insurance and Licensing Requirements for Private Launch Services: A Comparative Guide” (2005) I.A.F. Space Transportation Symposium, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Review of Existing Legal Principles that Enable or Disable the Colonisation of the Moon and Mars” (2005) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Integrated Approaches to the Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon and Mars, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability Arising from Article VI and Other Provisions of the Outer Space Treaty: States, Domestic Law and Private Operators” (2005) 48th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 56th International Astronautical Congress, 17-21 October 2005, in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Legal and Policy Aspects of Launch Services Provided by Governmental and Private Providers” (2005) International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Space Law Conference — Benefits for the Asian Region, 26-29 June 2005, in Bengaluru, KA., India.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Transferring Registration of Space Objects: The Interpretative Solution” (2004) 47th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 55th International Astronautical Congress, 4-8 October 2004, in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commentary Paper on Discussion Paper Titled ‘Commercial Use of Space, Including Launching’ by Prof. Dr. Armel Kerrest” (2004) International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Space Law Conference – Asia: A Regional Force in Space, 26-28 April 2004, in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Legal Limitations on the Use of Military Force in Outer Space” (2004) International Law Association (I.L.A.) / International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Seminar on Military Applications and Use of Force in Outer Space, 30 March 2004, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects and the Domestic Regulatory Responses to its Implications” (2003) United Nations / Government of the Republic of Korea Workshop on Space Law, 3-5 November 2003, in Daejeon, Republic of Korea.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Nuclear and Radioisotopic Power in Space: The Cumulative Content and Effect of the United Nations Space Treaties and Declarations” (2003) 46th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September – 3 October 2003, in Bremen, Germany.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Oscar Fernandez-Brital, “Proposal for a Standard Curriculum and a General Course on Space Law” (2003) 46th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September – 3 October 2003, in Bremen, Germany.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Crystallisation of General Assembly Space Declarations into Customary International Law” (2003) 46th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September – 3 October 2003, in Bremen, Germany.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Costing and Financing a Commercial Asteroid Mining Venture” (2003) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on New Business in Space and International Cooperation, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September – 3 October 2003, in Bremen, Germany.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Property and Mining Rights for Lunar Mining Operations in the Absence of International Consensus on the Moon Agreement” (2003) International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Human Exploration and Development in Space, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 September – 3 October 2003, in Bremen, Germany.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Evolving Nature of International Space Law” (2003) University of Western Sydney (U.W.S.) / International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Space Law Symposium, 6 May 2003, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Practical Problems with the Rescue Agreement and the Registration Convention” (2003) University of Western Sydney (U.W.S.) / International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Space Law Symposium, 6 May 2003, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee and William E. Barrett, “Space Insurance and the Law” (2003) University of Western Sydney (U.W.S.) / International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Space Law Symposium, 6 May 2003, in Sydney, N.S.W., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Australian Space Activities Act: Building the Regulatory Capacity for a Launch Industry” (2002) United Nations / University of Leiden International Institute of Air and Space Law (I.I.A.S.L.) Workshop on Capacity Building in Space Law, 18-20 November 2002, in The Hague, The Netherlands.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Impact of Arms Limitation Agreements and Export Control Regulations on International Commercial Launch Activities” (2002) 45th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 53rd International Astronautical Congress, 14-18 October 2002, in Houston, Tex., United States.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Jus ad Bellum in Outer Space: The Interrelation between Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations and Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty” (2002) 45th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 53rd International Astronautical Congress, 14-18 October 2002, in Houston, Tex., United States.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Economic, Technical and Legal Feasibility for Commercial Mining Activities in the Inner Solar System” (2002) 32nd International Academy of Astronautics (I.A.A.) Symposium on Economics and Commercialisation of Space Activities, 53rd International Astronautical Congress, 14-18 October 2002, in Houston, Tex., United States.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Implications of International Law on the Australian Commercial Launch Industry” (2002) International Law Association (I.L.A.) Seminar on the Law on the Final Frontier — The Practice of Space Law in Australia, 10 May 2002, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Military Use of Commercial Remote Sensing Data” (2001) 44th International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 52nd International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2001, in Toulouse, France.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Effect of Satellite Ownership Transfer on the Liability of Launching States” (2000) 43rd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 51st International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2000, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Yuri Takaya-Umehara, “Space Tourism and Permanent Human Settlement: Legal and Regulatory Issues” (2000) 43rd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 51st International Astronautical Congress, 2-6 October 2000, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating a Regime for Property Rights under the Moon Agreement” (1999) 42nd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 50th International Astronautical Congress, 4-8 October 1999, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Michael E. Davis and Ricky J. Lee, “Financial Responsibility and Government Indemnities for Commercial Space Launch Activities: The Australian Approach” (1999), 42nd International Institute of Space Law (I.I.S.L.) Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 50th International Astronautical Congress, 4-8 October 1999, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Michael E. Davis and Ricky J. Lee, “Is Australia the Best Place to Launch a Satellite? A Comparative Legal and Economic Analysis” (1999) 8th Australian Space Development Conference, 16 September 1999, in Adelaide, S.A., Australia.

  • Michael E. Davis, Shaun G. Berg, and Ricky J. Lee, “Telemedicine: Neither Here Nor There — The Reality of Implementing International Telemedicine Systems” (1999) 2nd International Telecommunication Union (I.T.U.) World Telemedicine Symposium of the for Developing Countries, 12-15 June 1999, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Hobart, Australia

Recent Guest Lectures & Speeches

  • “Fundamentals and Controversies in Modern Space Law: Some Implications for the Balkans”, Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, 8 April 2024, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • “Application of the International Law of Armed Conflict in Outer Space”, Department of Law, United States Military Academy, 14 March 2024, in West Point, N.Y., United States.

  • “How Space Law and Policy (Can’t) Cope with Humanity’s Future in Space”, Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative (C.E.R.I.), University of Cambridge, 13 February 2024, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • “International Law and the Commercial Utilisation and Exploitation of Space Resources”, Faculty of Law, University of Aberdeen, 5 February 2024, in Aberdeen, Scot., United Kingdom.

  • “Challenges and Legal Considerations for Space Resources Utilisation and Exploitation”, Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, 9 November 2023, in Jakarta, JK., Indonesia.

  • “The Role of Startup Businesses in the Global Space Sector”, WHYX x Cambridge Lecture Series, University of Cambridge x Wuhan College (武汉学院), 8 November 2023, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • “Enduring Myths and Ongoing Gaps in International Space Law”, Faculty of Law, Parahyangan Catholic University, 7 November 2023, in Bandung, JB, Indonesia.

  • “Modern Legal Challenges to the Utilisation and Exploitation of Space Resources”, Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, 14 September 2023, in Hobart, Tas., Australia.

  • “Contemporary Challenges to the Commercial Exploitation of Space Resources”. Faculty of Law, University of Aberdeen, 9 March 2023, Aberdeen, Scot., United Kingdom.

  • “Commercial Exploitation of Space Resources”, WHYX x Cambridge Global Learning and Engagement Winter Seminar Program, University of Cambridge x Wuhan College (武汉学院), 9-20 January 2023, in Cambridge, Eng., United Kingdom.

  • “Outer Space as a Present and Future Theatre of War”, WHYX x Cambridge Lecture Series, University of Cambridge x Wuhan College (武汉学院), 14 July 2022, in Cambridge, Eng, United Kingdom.

  • “Regulation of Private Drones in India”, National Forensic Sciences University, 14 April 2022, in Gandhinagar, GJ., India.

  • “Global Trade and COVID-19”, Institute of Law, Nirma University, 30 June 2021, in Ahmedabad, GJ., India.

  • “International Liability for Activities in Outer Space and on Celestial Bodies”, Institute of Air and Space Law (I.A.S.L.), Faculty of Law, McGill University, 21 November 2019, in Montréal, QC., Canada.

  • “International Liability for Space Activities”, Prince Sultan University, 11 February 2019, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  • “Historical Development and Fundamental Principles of International Space Law”, Faculty of Law, Bond University, 2 October 2018, in Gold Coast, Qld., Australia.