Research Publications


  • Ricky J. Lee, Law and Regulation of Commercial Mining of Minerals in Outer Space (Second Edition) (The Hague, The Netherlands: Springer Science + Nature, upcoming in 2024).

  • Ricky J. Lee and Denis Leonov, Doing Business in China under the Free Trade Agreements: Guide for Australian Business (Sydney, N.S.W., Australia: LexisNexis, upcoming in 2024).

  • Ricky J. Lee, Law and Regulation of Commercial Mining of Minerals in Outer Space (The Hague, The Netherlands: Springer Science + Nature, 2012).

  • Ricky J. Lee, Australian Licensing and Regulatory Framework for Space Activities (Adelaide, S.A., Australia: Profusion Publishing, 2005).

Book Chapters

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Emergency Assistance and Rescue Obligations for Commercial and Private Spacefarers in the Context of the History, Present, and Future of Human Spaceflight”, in Maria Pozza (ed.), Ascending to Space: Critical Perspectives from New Zealand and Other Nations (Singapore, Singapore: Springer Science + Nature, upcoming in 2024), pp. 35-72.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “State Responsibility and Space Tourism: Customary Principles as Modified by Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty”, in Sandeepa B. Bhat (ed.), Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects (Abingdon-on-Thames, Eng., United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis | Routledge, 2024), pp. 69-98.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Some Practical Proposals for Global Governance, Licensing, and Regulation of Mining Activities in Outer Space”, in Ram Jakhu, Kuan-Wei Chen, and Yaw Nyampong (eds.), Monograph Series III: Global Space Governance (Montréal, Quebec, Canada: McGill Centre for Research on Air and Space Law, 2016), pp. 311-338.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Promissory Notes”, in John Graves and David Grace (eds.), Digest of the Commercial Laws of the World — Australia (New York, N.Y., United States: Thomson Reuters, 2003), pp. 56-63.

Montréal, Canada

My complete Research Portfolio in PDF is available here.

Journal Articles

  • Ricky J. Lee, “India and the Moon Agreement: Implications for the Utilisation of Space Resources in the 21st Century and Beyond” (2020) 60 Indian Journal of International Law 265-305.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Sarah L. Steele, “Models for Codifying International Rules for Jurisdiction, Liability, Safety and Accident Investigation for Commercial Passenger Spaceflight” (2014) 83 Nordic Journal of International Law 251-292.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Sarah L. Steele, “Military Use of Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing, and Global Positioning Systems in the War on Terror” (2014) 79 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 69-112.

  • Michel Bourbonnière and Ricky J. Lee, “Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello Considerations of the Targeting of Satellites: The Targeting of Post-Modern Military Space Assets” (2014) 45 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 167-217.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating Enforcement Mechanisms for the 1976 Registration Convention as a Confidence Building Measure in the Military Use of Outer Space” (2009) 52 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 115-122.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Current Status and Recent Developments in Australia’s National Space Law and its Relevance to Space Law and Space Activities in the Pacific Rim” (2009) 35 Journal of Space Law 471-509.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Globalisation and Privatisation of the Space Launch Sector and its Implications on the Rescue Agreement” (2008) 51 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 117-125.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Strict Compliance and the Fraud Exception: Balancing the Interests of Mercantile Traders in the Modern Law of Documentary Credits” (2008) 5 Macquarie Journal of Business Law 137-169.

  • Michel Bourbonnière and Ricky J. Lee, “Legality of the Deployment of Conventional Weapons in Earth Orbit: Balancing Space Law and the Law of Armed Conflict” (2007) 18 European Journal of International Law 873-902.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Liability Convention and Private Space Launch Services: Domestic Regulatory Responses” (2006) 31 Annals of Air & Space Law 351-380.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability Arising from Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty: States, Domestic Law and Private Operators” (2005) 48 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 216-228.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Felicity K. Eylward, “Article II of the Outer Space Treaty and Human Presence on Celestial Bodies: Prohibition of State Sovereignty, Exclusive Property Rights, or Both?” (2005) 48 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 95-104.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Article II of the Outer Space Treaty: Prohibition of State Sovereignty, Private Property Rights, or Both?” (2004) 11 Australian International Law Journal 128-142.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Editorial” (2004) 11 Australian International Law Journal ix-xiv.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Case Note: Case Concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide — Application for Revision of the Judgment of 11 July 1996” (2003) 10 Australian International Law Journal 205-215.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Nuclear and Radioisotopic Power in Space: The Cumulative Content and Effect of the United Nations Space Treaties and Space Declarations” (2003) 46 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 398-407.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Oscar Fernandez-Brital, “Proposal for a Standard Curriculum and a General Course on Space Law” (2003) 46 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 210-213.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Crystallisation of General Assembly Space Declarations into Customary International Law” (2003) 46 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 122-130.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Jus ad Bellum in Spatialis: The Exact Content and Practical Implications of the Law on the Use of Force in Outer Space” (2003) 29:1 Journal of Space Law 93-120.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Impact of Arms Limitation Agreements and Export Control Regulations on International Commercial Launch Activities” (2002) 45 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 321-330.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Jus ad Bellum in Outer Space: The Interrelation between Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations and Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty” (2002) 45 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 139-148.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Applicability of State Laws to Commonwealth Land and Activities” (2002) 6 University of Western Sydney Law Review 32-64.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Military Use of Commercial Remote Sensing Data” (2001) 44 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 246-257.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Implications of Electronic Commerce on International Documentary Credit Transactions” [2001] Business Law International 203-214.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Reconciling Space Law with the Commercial Realities of the Twenty-First Century” (2000) 4 Singapore Journal of International & Comparative Law 194-251.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Case Note: The Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases” (2000) 7 Australian International Law Journal 243-248.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Effect of Satellite Ownership Transfer on the Liability of Launching States” (2000) 43 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 148-153.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Yuri Takaya-Umehara, “Space Tourism and Permanent Human Settlement: The Legal and Regulatory Issues” (2000) 43 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 142-147.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The United Nations: From Peacekeeping Success to Peace Enforcement Failures” (2000) 7 Australian International Law Journal 180-199.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Australian Space Activities Act: Creating a Regulatory Regime for Space Activities” (2000) 25 Air & Space Law 57-64.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Michael E. Davis, “Twenty Years After: The Moon Agreement and its Legal Controversies” (1999) 6 Australian International Law Journal 9-22.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating a Regime for Property Rights under the Moon Agreement” (1999) 42 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 409-421.

  • Michael E. Davis and Ricky J. Lee, “Financial Responsibility and Government Indemnities for Commercial Space Launch Activities: The Australian Approach” (1999) 42 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 240-247.

Moscow, Russian Federation

Bengaluru, India

Athens, Greece

Ahmedabad, India

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Conference Proceedings

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating Enforcement Mechanisms for the 1976 Registration Convention as a Confidence Building Measure in the Military Use of Outer Space”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 52nd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2009), at pp. 115-122.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Globalisation and Privatisation of the Space Launch Sector and its Implications on the Rescue Agreement”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 51st Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2008), at pp. 117-125.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commentary Paper on the Discussion Paper Titled ‘The Acceptability of the Moon Agreement and the Road Ahead’”, in McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law, Proceedings of the McGill I.A.S.L. / I.I.S.L. International and Interdisciplinary Workshop on Policy and Law Relating to Outer Space Resources: Examples of the Moon, Mars, and Other Celestial Bodies (Montréal, QC., Canada: McGill University Centre for Research in Air and Space Law, 2006), at pp. 273-304.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability Arising from Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty: States, Domestic Law, and Private Operators”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2005), at pp. 216-228.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Felicity K. Eylward, “Article II of the Outer Space Treaty and Human Presence on Celestial Bodies: Prohibition of State Sovereignty, Exclusive Property Rights, or Both?”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 48th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2005), at pp. 95-104.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Legal and Policy Aspects of Launch Services Provided by Governmental and Private Providers”, in Indian Space Research Organisation, Proceedings of the I.S.R.O. Space Law Conference: Benefits for the Asian Region (Bengaluru, KA., India: Indian Space Research Organisation, 2005), at pp. 3-39.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Commentary Paper on Discussion Paper Titled ‘Commercial Use of Space, Including Launching’ by Prof. Dr. Armel Kerrest”, in China Institute of Space Law, C.I.S.L. / I.I.S.L. Space Law Conference: Proceedings (Beijing, People’s Republic of China: China Institute of Space Law, 2004), at pp. 220-231.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects and the Domestic Regulatory Responses to its Implications, in United Nations”, Proceedings of the United Nations / Republic of Korea Workshop On Space Law – United Nations Treaties On Outer Space: Actions At A National Level (Vienna, Austria: United Nations, 2003), at pp. 105-126.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Nuclear and Radioisotopic Power in Space: The Cumulative Content and Effect of the United Nations Space Treaties and Space Declarations”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 46th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003), at pp. 398-407.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Oscar Fernandez-Brital, “Proposal for a Standard Curriculum and a General Course on Space Law”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 46th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003), at pp. 210-213.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Crystallisation of General Assembly Space Declarations into Customary International Law”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 46th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2003), at pp. 122-130.

  • 12. Ricky J. Lee, The Australian Space Activities Act: Building the Regulatory Capacity for a Launch Industry, in United Nations, Proceedings of the United Nations / University of Leiden International Institute of Air and Space Law Workshop on Capacity Building in Space Law (Vienna, Austria: United Nations, 2002), at pp. 53-96.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Steven R. Freeland, “The Impact of Arms Limitation Agreements and Export Control Regulations on International Commercial Launch Activities”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 45th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002), at pp. 321-330.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Jus ad Bellum in Outer Space: The Interrelation between Article 103 of the Charter of the United Nations and Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 45th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002), at pp. 139-148.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Military Use of Commercial Remote Sensing Data”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 44th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2001), at pp. 246-257.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Effect of Satellite Ownership Transfer on the Liability of Launching States”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 43rd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000), at pp. 148-153.

  • Ricky J. Lee and Yuri Takaya-Umehara, “Space Tourism and Permanent Human Settlement: The Legal and Regulatory Issues”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 43rd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2000), at pp. 142-147.

  • Michael E. Davis, Shaun G. Berg, and Ricky J. Lee, “Telemedicine: Neither Here Nor There — The Reality of Implementing International Telemedicine Systems”, in International Telecommunication Union, Final Report of the 2nd I.T.U. World Telemedicine Symposium for Developing Countries (Geneva, Switzerland: International Telecommunication Union, 1999), at pp. 287-293.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Creating a Regime for Property Rights under the Moon Agreement, in International Institute of Space Law”, Proceedings of the 42nd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999), at pp. 409-421.

  • Michael E. Davis and Ricky J. Lee, “Financial Responsibility and Government Indemnities for Commercial Space Launch Activities: The Australian Approach”, in International Institute of Space Law, Proceedings of the 42nd Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space (Reston, Va., United States: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1999), at pp. 240-247.

Sydney, Australia

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Non-Refereed Publications / Comments

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Authentication and Legalisation of Australian Notarial Acts in Commonwealth Jurisdictions: Special Relationship No Longer?” [2024] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 7-10.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Apostille Convention Updates” [2024] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 5-6.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Practice Notes: Australian Notarial Acts for Use in the Commonwealth” [2024] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 10.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Recent Cases of Interest” [2024] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 10-12.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Saudi Arabia’s Withdrawal from the Moon Agreement” (2023) 36 A.N.Z.S.I.L. Perspective 7-11.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Apostille Convention Updates” [2023] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 2.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Practice Notes” [2023] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 3.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Recent Cases of Interest” [2023] 1 Protocol: Newsletter of the Notaries’ Society of South Australia 3-4.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Diary of a Travelling Lawyer” (2019) 42:10 The Bulletin: The Law Society of South Australia Journal 16-18.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “The Clearly Inappropriate Forum in International Contractual Disputes” (2019) 41:9 The Bulletin: The Law Society of South Australia Journal 34-35.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Liability Issues for Damage Caused by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Mistletoe Drones, White House Landings, and Other Mishaps” (2016) 17:1 International Bar Association – Aviation Law Committee News 7-11.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Asteroid Mining Top of the Agenda for Space Lawyers” (2010) 46:7 Law Society Journal 16-17.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “How G.P. Border Crossing Can Turn into a Big Legal Headache”, Medical Observer, 4 July 2003, at 47.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Governmental Investigation of Space Launch Accidents in Australia” (2003) 5:2 International Bar Association – Outer Space Committee News 17-19.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Recent Changes to the Space Launch Regulatory Framework” (2003) 11:1 International Bar Association – Asia Pacific Forum News 10-11.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Strangling Telemedicine with Regulation”, Medical Observer, 26 April 2001, at 46-47.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Where Do Launching States Stand When Satellites Are Sold?” (2000) 50:3 Telecommunications Journal of Australia 53-56.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Mining the Riches of Outer Space” (2000) 15:5 Australian Journal of Mining, at 18-19.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Law Cripples Telemedicine’s Progress”, Medical Observer, 26 April 2000, at 16.

  • Ricky J. Lee, “Laying Down Law in Space Mining Race”, The Australian Financial Review, 6 April 2000, at 21.